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Agriculture Ministry Decree Number: 166/Kpts/SR.120/D.2.7/11/2019
Land Height Recommendation -
Disease Resistance*: -
Harvest Period (Days after Transplanting)*: 90 - 100 DAT
Weight per fruit*: 70 - 90 gr/ fruit
Harvest Potential*: 20 - 30 tons/ Hectare
PVT: -

* Note:
Disease resistance, Harvest Period, weight, and harvest potential depend on the environment and cultivation treatment. 

East-West selected this carrot variety in the New Kuroda type for its excellent deep orange colour and small core in combination with high yield.  Under optimum growing condition, produce uniform roots with smooth exteriors and it perform very well in wet condition.

Guarantee Condition

We give a guarantee towards seed quality based on government regulations. The responsibility of the company is limited to the paid products not to other expenses.

Saya Mengerti