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Agriculture Ministry Decree Number: 596/Kpts/SR.120/11/2007
Land Height Recommendation -
Disease Resistance*: -
Harvest Period (Days after Transplanting)*: 65 -70 Days After Tranplanting (DAT)
Weight per fruit*: 270 - 300 gr/ fruit
Harvest Potential*: 12 - 16 tons/ Hectare
PVT: -

* Note:
Disease resistance, Harvest Period, weight, and harvest potential depend on the environment and cultivation treatment. 

Sweet hybrid waxy corn is suitable for lowland areas. It is a uniform plant with medium height, uniform cobs, white kernels, sweet and tender taste. The cob weighs 270 - 300 grams and can be consumed fresh or dried. It can be harvested at 65 - 70 days after sowing (DAS) for fresh consumption or can be dried for corn kernels. The fresh yield is 12 - 16 tons per hectare.

Plant vigor: medium (scale: 6)

Plant height: 171 cm

Harvest age: 65 DAS

Stem color: green-purple

Cob filling: moderately full (scale: 7)

Cob weight: 345 g

Kernel size: medium (scale: 6)

Kernel color: white Flag

leaf: present Taste: sticky, tender, and slightly sweet

Resistance to sheath blight: susceptible (scale: 4)

Resistance to leaf spot: susceptible (scale: 3)


It is recommended to harvest at 63 ~ 65 DAS (days after sowing).

KUMALA F1, Sweet and Fluffy Sweet Waxy Corn


  1. Spray herbicide if the land is infested with weeds. Plow the soil once and harrow it twice.
  2. Bed Preparation Bed width: 100 cm. Bed height: Approximately 20 cm. Bed length: Adjust according to the land area. Distance between beds: 60 cm.


Planting is done by creating planting holes with a depth of 2-3 cm and a spacing of 65 x 25 cm. Use a dibber to make the holes and place one seed in each hole. Cover the holes with mature compost.


A. Fertilization The following fertilization application is used in the cultivation of sweet corn: 15 DAP (Days After Planting) = Urea 10 g/plot; SP-36 5 g/plot; Method: Dibber 35 DAP = NPK 15 g/plot; Method: Dibber Note: 10 grams is equivalent to 1 tablespoon.

B. Thinning

Thinning is done to remove non-germinated or dead seeds. It is performed 7-10 days after planting (DAP). Therefore, it is recommended to allocate a specific area for thinning preparation, which should be at least 20% of the total number of seeds planted.

C. Hilling

Hilling is done to strengthen the stem position, prevent lodging, and cover emerging roots on the soil surface for better aeration. It is done simultaneously with fertilization. Use a hoe to hill the soil on both sides of the plant rows, then mound it along the rows to form elongated ridges.


A. Baby corn Harvest when the plants are 45 DAP. For maximum yield, it is recommended to harvest from a single planting.

B. Sweet corn Harvest when the silks on the cobs have dried. The harvesting age may vary depending on topography, climate, and weather conditions. Typically, harvesting age ranges from 65 to 70 DAP.

Sweet Corn Tutorial Cultivation


  1. Downy Mildew Symptoms include yellow or white lines parallel to the leaf veins. Chlorosis usually occurs at the growing point. The plant will not grow optimally due to hindered root growth. If the disease affects mature plants, the resulting seeds will not be optimal. Control measures include spraying with fungicides containing active ingredients such as Metalaxyl, Dimethomorph, etc.

  2. Leaf Rust Symptoms appear as small pustules surrounded by a yellow halo. Symptoms can occur on leaves, leaf stalks, and even plant stems. Rust is a fungal uredium that grows beneath the epidermal tissue and protrudes to the surface. Prevention includes clearing the land of weeds and all previous crop residues. Control measures involve spraying fungicides containing active ingredients such as Benomyl, Azoxystrobin, Hexaconazole, Difenconazole, etc.

  3. Smut Disease Cause: Ustilago sp. fungus attacks the seeds, causing swelling and damage to the husk. Control measures involve the use of fungicide Saromyl.

  4. Cob and Kernel Rot Disease Cause: Fusarium sp. or Gibberella zeae fungus. Control measures include spraying with fungicides containing active ingredients such as Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Propineb, etc.

To control pests, especially caterpillars, insecticides such as Klensect or Dursban are used

Guarantee Condition

We give a guarantee towards seed quality based on government regulations. The responsibility of the company is limited to the paid products not to other expenses.

Saya Mengerti